*This giveaway has concluded and is no longer active*
Welcome to this month’s Bitcoin giveaway and thanks for stopping by!
Take a chance at winning 100,000 sats (~$28)! Participation is easy:
Subscribe to my newsletter (free or paid) 📧👇🏻
Follow me on Twitter or LinkedIn
Follow my Publish0x account
🎊(1) Winner will be announced on my Twitter and emailed directly on June 30th!🎉
*Who can enter?
Bitcoin is open to all! Anyone anywhere in the world can participate in this giveaway as long as you follow the rules and have a valid Bitcoin address.
*Can I still enter if I’ve already subscribed to your newsletter and/or followed you on Publish0x?
Anyone who subscribed to this newsletter from Publish0x for the first time on or after May 31st, 2023 is eligible to participate.
*How much Bitcoin will the winner receive?
The winner of this giveaway will receive 100,000 sats, which are valued (on 5/31/2023) at about $28 USD.
*This giveaway is not endorsed or managed by Publish0x.
Subscribed and followed on Twitter... @Cryptoflews
I have subscribe and follow you on all the social media you asked for...
I hope I will surely win thanks...