Letter #227: Bitcoin - The Currency of Choice for the 21st Century Politician
Read now to learn about politicians who are championing the cause of Bitcoin in the U.S. government's "hallowed halls".
Dear Readers,
Earlier this week, I shared news about three politicians who have recently come out to claim ownership of Bitcoin, in addition to re-stating their support of Bitcoin’s mission to bring financial freedom and stability to people of all walks of life.
Read that article:
The response from many community members was overwhelmingly positive. The response from some was more lackluster:
In defense of this commentator, I do think it’s natural to want to know about more public figures who have come out in support of or to claim ownership of Bitcoin. After all, if Bitcoin truly is the greatest financial revolution in history, as many in the space (including yours truly) believe, then we should see Bitcoin supporters everywhere, correct? Even within governments’ “hallowed halls”?
I couldn’t agree more. So today, let’s pull back the curtain on some other people from across the political landscape who have revealed themselves to be Bitcoiners: