Dear Readers,
Bitcoin and the community around it have been set up as a bastion of freedom and self-sovereignty. The promise of Bitcoin is that users can have complete control over their money, including the ability to transact with their money however they’d like to. That promise has been realized to a large degree even today, 13 short years after Bitcoin’s creation, and the network’s success will continue to grow the closer humanity gets to establishing markets and economies on top of Bitcoin.
An important component of freedom, financial or otherwise, is privacy. If there’s anything we’ve learned during the “Information Age”, it’s that there are always governments, corporations, and people who want to use our information against us for their own benefit. So the ability to transact privately when desired helps to ensure that we are subjected less frequently to manipulation, censorship, and control by those who would do us harm.
For these reasons and many more, blatant attacks against privacy should give us cause for concern…